Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Elgin and Winter Garden Theater Center

The Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres are a pair of stacked theatres in TorontoOntarioCanada. The Winter Garden Theatre is seven storeys above the Elgin Theatre.
They are the last surviving Edwardian stacked theatres in the world. The pair were originally built as the flagship ofMarcus Loew's theatre chain in 1913. The building was designed by architect Thomas W. Lamb, who also built the Ed Mirvish Theatre.
Both theatres were built to show vaudeville acts and the short silent movies of the time. Each theatre was intended to compete in a different market. By 1928, feature-length silent films were popular, but sound films were just coming into their own. In 1928 the lower theatre was converted to show sound films and the upper theatre was closed. The Winter Garden remained shuttered for about sixty years. Left inside it was a large collection of vaudeville flats and scenery, now the world's largest surviving collection. In 1969, Loews sold the Elgin to Famous Players. By the 1970s, the Elgin was showing mainly B movies and soft-core pornography.
The Elgin has dancing cherubs, elaborately decorated boxes, vast expanses of gold leaf and plaster sculpting covered in wafer-thin sheets of aluminum, while the Winter Gardens has hand-painted walls and a ceiling decorated with dried beech leaves.

Teatru Manoel

Teatru Manoel is one of Europe's oldest working theaters -- it was built in 1731 with funds from The Knights of Malta, a Western Christian military order.
Following centuries of unrest and a myriad of conquerors, the rule of the Military Order of St. John brought about a period of unprecedented stability and development to the Maltese Islands. The newly constructed fortified capital, Valletta, administrative centre and home to the variety of nationalities forming the Order, witnessed a further development as the islands’ cultural and entertainment hub. It remained unscathed during both World Wars, despite serving as a bomb shelter during the second, and many original features remain, including beautiful painted wooden panels and the silver leaf-adorned ceiling.

Tampa Theatre

The Tampa Theatre and Office Building is a historic U.S. theater and city landmark in the Uptown District of downtown TampaFlorida. On January 3, 1978, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
The Theatre features a wide range of independent, foreign, and documentary films on a daily basis. It is Tampa's only non-profit movie palace, and operating costs are supported by its members, donors and corporate sponsors, as well as by ticket and concessions sales. It has often been used as a backdrop for movies, music videos and local programming. Tampa Theatre is the work of architect John Eberson, who also designed the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Texas. Highlights include a 900-pipe Wurlitzer organ and 99 bulbs embedded in the ceiling to resemble twinkling stars.
It was regarded as one of the world's most elaborate theaters when it was built in 1926 and the interior -- a somewhat garish explosion of flowers and angry gargoyles -- resembles a Mediterranean courtyard.

Teatro Amazonas

- is an opera house located in Manaus, in the heart of theAmazon rainforest in Brazil. It is the location of the annual Festival Amazonas de Ópera (Amazonas Opera Festival) and the home of the Amazonas Philharmonic Orchestra which regularly rehearses and performs at the Amazon Theater along with choirs, musical concerts and other performances. The theater was built in the late 19th century during a rubber boom and was designed by Italian architect Celestial Sacardim.
Work took 15 years, largely thanks to the decision to source supplies from all over the world: the roof tiles came from Alsace in France, stairs and columns were made of Italian marble and the steel walls came from Glasgow.
Beautiful features include 198 chandeliers, which also came from Italy, and the central dome, covered in 36,000 ceramic tiles painted in the colors of Brazil's national flag.

State Theatre

The State Theatre opened on the 7th of June 1929. The Theatre was the vision of Stuart Doyle, owner of Union Theatres and the esteemed architect Henry White. It was to be seen as “The Empire’s Greatest Theatre” and was designed as a picture palace when such monuments to movies were at their grandest and most spectacular. During its first week patrons were offered “entertainment of unparalleled magnificence”.
The opening night’s performance featured noted bandleader Will Prior who was described in the programme as a conductor capable of lifting “jazz to perfection in a sublime miscellany of melodious rhythm”. The first of countless motion pictures to be shown at the State Theatre was “The Patriot” accompanied by Price Dunlavy billed as a “debonair genius” playing the mighty Wurlitzer organ.Other attractions included Australia’s leading soprano Rene Maxwell & the State Beauty Ballet billed as “a beauty bevy with amazing ability”. The stage was now set for countless performers & films to transport and entertain literally millions of future customers.
It was designed by Aussie architect Eli White, but his decision to base his masterpiece on the work of American John Eberson resulted in a mishmash of Gothic, Italian and art deco styles.
The theater contains the second largest chandelier in the world and a priceless Wurlitzer organ, and is recognized by The National Trust of Australia, which has classified it as "a building of great historical significance and high architectural quality, the preservation of which is regarded as essential to our heritage."

Salle Richelieu

The Salle Richelieu, also known as the Comédie Française, was built in the late 1600s.
The grand staircase is lined with busts of important figures from the theater's past -- the bust of French playwright Corneille is rather worn, due to the belief that touching it will bring good luck.
"It's the archetypal theater -- a womb-like curve of red plush and gold," says professor Jan Clarke at the International Federation for Theater Research.
"It's also a living museum, containing objects, artifacts, paintings and sculptures of huge interest for the history of French theater, including the armchair actor Jean-Baptiste Poquelin used in 'Le Malade Imaginaire' just hours before his death."

National Noh Theatre

-opened in SendagayaShibuyaTokyoJapan in September 1983. The auditorium seats 591 for performances of Noh and Kyōgen, and there is also a rehearsal stage, exhibition area, lecture room, and reference library.
Forget cement and plasterboard -- Japan's Noh theater was constructed in 1983 from 400-year-old bishu-hinoki cypress trees. 
It's open on three sides and the seating spreads out from the stage in a fan shape.Despite the traditional elements there's plenty of tech -- each seat has a personal subtitling system that can be changed from Japanese to English at the touch of a button.
Noh (meaning "skill" or "talent") is a form of traditional Japanese musical drama, and plays often last all day

BAM Harvey theater

The Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) is a major performing arts venue in BrooklynNew York City, known as a center for progressive and avant garde performance. It presented its first performance in 1861 and began operations in its present location in 1908.
Today, BAM has a reputation as a leader in presenting "cutting edge" performance and has grown into an urban arts center which focuses on both international arts presentation and local community needs. Its purpose is to provide an environment in which its audiences – annually, more than 550,000 people – can experience a broad array of aesthetic and cultural programs. From 1999 to 2014, BAM was headed by Karen Brooks Hopkins, President, and Joseph V. Melillo, Executive Producer. Katy Clark is now president, succeeding Hopkins who retired in spring 2015.

Balboa Theatre

The Balboa Theatre was built in 1924 and named after Spanish explorer Vasco Nuñez de Balboa -- the first European to discover the Pacific Ocean.
The property fell into disrepair, but in 2002 a major restoration began.
A replica of the theater's sign, depicting Vasco's ship, was created using original colors identified from photographs, and stencils were used to painstakingly recreate the tapestry design that once adorned the walls.
"After a $26 million renovation, this elegant vaudeville theater has been fully restored, complete with its one-of-a-kind, fully operational interior waterfalls," says Ken Stein at the League of Historic American Theaters.
"If you could sum up the beauty of the City of San Diego in a single design, this would be it."

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

- is the complex housing a reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, an Elizabethan playhouse in the London Borough of Southwark, on the south bank of the River Thames that was originally built in 1599, destroyed by fire in 1613, rebuilt in 1614, and then demolished in 1644.
The name of the Globe supposedly alludes to the Latin tag totus mundus agit histrionem, in turn derived from quod fere totus mundus exerceat histrionem—"because all the world is a playground"—from Petronius, which had wide circulation in England in the Burbages' time. Totus mundus agit histrionem was, according to this explanation, therefore adopted as the theatre's motto. Another allusion, familiar to the contemporary theatre-goer, would have been to Teatrum Mundi, a meditation by the twelfth-century classicist and philosopher John of Salisbury, in his Policraticus, book three. In either case, there would have been a familiar understanding of the classical derivation without the adoption of a formal motto.
It seems likely that the link between the supposed motto and the Globe was made only later, originating with the industrious early Shakespeare biographer William Oldys, who claimed as his source a private manuscript to which he once had access. This was repeated in good faith by his literary executor George Steevens, but the tale is now thought "suspicious".
The Globe operates without any public subsidy and generates £21 million in revenue per year.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

National Theatre ''Sterija'' - Vršac

In Vrsac theatrical life lasts for more than two centuries. In 1761 he erected the Great Serbian magistrate and more than 100 years it served as a permanent theater building.
The first theatrical performances in Vrsac are performed by a theatrical family from Timisoara around 1770. Timisoara is the administrative and cultural center of South Banat.
Here were various theater troupes from Austria, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Germany, and from the Serbian theater Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad was established in 1861.
Ministry of Education in 1920 to headed by Branislav Nusic, decides that ин Vrsac establish a professional theater. At the session of the city, held on 24 December 1920, a decision was made on the establishment of the Provincial Theatre Banat "STERIJA". The premiere on January 22, 1921 officially started operations. It took only three years.
To mark the 200th anniversary of the presentation of the first theatrical performances in the Serbian language, in 1993 organized a festival "Vršac Autumn Theatre" founded by the Vrsac. The Festival play the most important and the best theatrical work in the season, both in the former Serbia and Montenegro and in the current Serbia.
National Theatre ''Sterija''.

City Theatre - Jagodina

The beginnings of theatrical life in Jagodina were recorded in 1859, when it was founded Jagodinska dilettante family. In the next fifty years in Jagodina acted many theater groups, all were short-lived, and often toured and then very active traveling theater troupe. at the end of 1944 has established the first professional theater in Jagodina, with actors from Belgrade, which was six months ago. 13 September 1947 establishing the city amateur theater, merging Youth, Trade Union and Disability theater. Municipal budget for 1952 provided some funds for the theater activities enabling to operate as a semi-professional theater. Decision of the People's Committee in 1953 semiprofessional theater becomes officially professionally City National Theatre, and in the next few years again became an amateur theater. Then it was the period when the theater did not work. Since 1975, the theater is working continuously.
Theater registered as Citizens Association.
Since 2007 the theater has a permanent repertoire and Thursday is the day of his execution in Jagodina.

National Theatre - Niš

The National Theatre in Nis is located in the theater Sindjelic Square in Nis, Serbia.
History claims that Niš had a theater in the fourth century. The foundations of this theater have not yet been found, but its known roughly where they were. Niš was out of the theater for full thirteen centuries. 

The first known theatrical event was recorded in 1883 on a poster for one of the performances of the traveling troupe, which performed conveniently, on the anniversary of marriage of King Milan and Queen Natalia Obrenovic.
National Theatre in Niš.

The postwar period
The postwar period was marked by emulation theater repertoire and the ideological and aesthetic currents of the National Theatre in Belgrade, but has already played shows in 1949 have revealed the high creative potential of the theater, who came to the fore nurturing their own repertoire policy. The fifties of interest extends to domestic and foreign literature, which can be an incentive for greater stravalačku initiative and creativity of the artistic ensemble.
Repertoire despite the classic work, remained open to works of modern and avantgarde authors, both foreign and domestic. New orientation theater resulted in unusual performances that have participated three times in the official competition at the prestigious Festival of Male and experimental scenes in Sarajevo (MESS), five times in official competition at the Sterija Theatre Festival and once at BITEF.

In February 2008, the theater received a statuette Joakim Vujic for outstanding contribution to the development of theater art in Serbia.

National Theatre - Leskovac

With short interruptions theater life in Leskovac has lasted for 124 years.
The first performance in Leskovac, was played by diletansko family "Civic Theatre Jug Bogdan" in 1896. Author of "The battle of Kosovo" is Matija Ban. This theater troupe formed in 1896 Radoje Domanović, professor of Gymnasium. Theatrical family ceased to operate in 1898 leaving Domanovića from Leskovac. From 1898 until 1926 in Leskovac occasional guest appearances by theater group from Belgrade, Nis, Skopje, Zajecar, Sabac. In Leskovec in 1926 established professional theater called "Leskovačko City Theatre". On 10th October 1926. shows the first performance of "Death of Mother Jugovic", played in the hall of the hotel "Paris". This theater was very quickly stopped with work, but already on 18th November 1934 in Leskovac-based "Academic Theatre", led by Bora Dimitrijevic, a 9 January 1935 shows the first performance of "ordinary man" by B. Nušića. 
"Academic Theatre" worked until February 1941 year. After the liberation of Leskovac 23rd October 1944 established drama group that later transformed into the National Theatre. From 3rd October 1970, the National Theatre does, only in Yugoslavia, as a theater without a cash register, so the idea of ​​realizing director Dusan Mihajlovic.
The entrance Of National Theatre - Leskovac.
In 2014 was ended renovation of theater building. Theatre has a capacity of 278 seats.

Theatre ''Dobrica Milutinović''

-is a cultural institution of regional significance in Sremska Mitrovica.It is located in the building of Serbian home. It is located in the heart of the old city, also the only professional theater in Srem and a member of the Union of Professional Theatres of Vojvodina. 
Theatre today has Youth Theatre studio where children and young people are preparing for their big stage successes. "Dobrica Milutinović" in Sremska Mitrovica, in addition to cooperation he has theaters and cultural institutions from the country cooperates with institutions that have their actions open to all forms of education and help society in all its spheres of ecology to human rights protection. 
On 27 March 2015 "Dobrica Milutinović" marked 70 years of existence. Directed formal academy was Filip Gajic, the Academy opened Mira Banjac, and participated in almost all the actors of Mitrovica older and newer generations, Dušanka Anojčić, Vladimir Balaščák, Gordana Lukić, Aleksandar Krstajic, Zvonko Bednar, Stefan Tajbl, etc. Like many artists, assoc and choirs from the area of ​​the City. 
The building "Serbian home", in which the theater occupies the left wing in the picture.
The academy was preceded theater carnival streets of Sremska Mitrovica, which was kind of an event for the city. Since August 2012, at the head of the Academic Theatre actress is Jelena Jankovic.

Theatre ''Bora Stankovic''

Theatre "Bora Stankovic" is a theater in Vranje. In the great fire on July 2 2012., the theater burned to the ground.
First play was played on January 30, 1896. It was Njegošev "The Mountain Wreath" directed  by Radoja Domanovića, former professor of Gymnasium in Vranje.
District National Theatre in Vranje was founded on 27 April 1946 and successfully worked until 31 January 1954. Followed by a period of successful operation of amateur theater, with permanent repertoire, and a large audience awards at festivals and Yugoslav republic. In addition to numerous awards and accolades Theatre received Vuk's Award and the Order of Merit with silver rays.
Photo of Bora Stankovic.
Theatre "Bora Stankovic" 5 September 1997 has become a professional and then joined the family of professional theaters in Serbia. His greatest success was experienced as he led the director and actor Radoslav Radivojević (1943 - 2009), during the period from 1972 to 2009. From a small provincial ensemble created a respectable professional theater with play "Krivov," according to the text of Radosav Stojanović, was the absolute winner of the Meetings of Professional Theatres of Serbia "Joakim Vujić". Radivojevic is an inevitable name in the cultural life of Vranje. In 1979. he launched the "Bora's theater days" (which continue to this day), and led them for 28 years. During this time, before an audience of Vranje shown over 400 performances, and participated in numerous theaters in our country and abroad. In addition, he also wrote a comprehensive history of the theater life - "Theatrical life of Vranje," in 1987.

National Theatre - Subotica

The characteristics of the Subotica, as a city, next to the multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious, be sure to include the cultural traditions of the city in which they are embedded, and the previously mentioned characteristics.
Cultural traditions Subotica are very long, a central place in them belongs to the art of theater and - the theater. The beginnings of theatrical life in Subotica linked to the year 1741, when he played the first theatrical performances in the former Franciscan Gramatical school in Croatian language.
The first written document on the construction of the professional theater in Subotica, dates from 1793. The decision on the construction of the theater building of the city Magistrate made only in 1847, a new theater building was completed and opened in 1854.
In the period from the opening of the theater building until 1918 in Subotica are hosted theater troupes from Hungary, Germany, traveling theaters, and the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad (17 seasons).
Theater building burned down on 2 March 1915. The fire completely destroyed the theater, a temporary stage is made at the hotel "Pest", after the war, the hotel "Belgrade".
The entrance of National Theatre.
In the period between the two world wars in Subotica there was no permanent theater. Suboticians on two occasions: in 1925 and 1935 tried to set up his own theater. The reconstruction of the theater building began in 1926 when it was completed. The postwar theater life begins from 1945, when they were in Subotica established two permanent, professional, repertory theaters. Combining Croatian National Theatre and the National Theatre of Hungary, in 1951, was created the National Theatre. Although the theater in its development passed through various stages and organizational restructuring - the organizational structure of the theater, today, is based on the Serbian Drama and Drama in Hungarian. 
In the summer of 2007, work began on the demolition of buildings and total reconstruction.

Provincial National Theatre

-was formed in 1948 in Pristina, gotten to work only by finishing building - the House of Culture. Until 1963 it was called Area Based National Theatre, and when the AKMO was renamed the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, changed its name to Provincial. It will be called until 1994, when it became the National Theatre in Pristina.
For the first trustee was appointed Milutin Jasnić, actor and director, who was at the National Theatre in Pancevo demonstrated organizational skills. With him there were sent also actors: Ivan Vukov, Dragutin and Dusanka Todic, Mišić i Ruzica. A little later they were joined by Dobrica Radenković, a famous actor and director, and production designer Petar Pasic. In order to achieve the concept of theater in which to present the play in parallel in Serbian and Albanian language, Jasnić from amateur theater Kosovo and Metohija engaged: Shani Palaska, Abdurrahman Shala, Muharema wife, Catherine Josipi, Melihat Shabani, Nedžmija Pagaruša and Istref Begolli. 
Provincional National Theatre in 1998., before bombing.

Dominant place in the repertoire of the Albanian drama at the beginning of the eighties had pieces, drama and poetry recitals by Albanian authors from Kosovo and Metohija, whose aim was not theatrical expression, but to motivate audience to "national awakening and self-awareness."

Knjaževsko-srpski teatar

-is the oldest theatre in Central Serbia. It is based in City of Kragujevac, the fourth largest city of Serbia. The theatre was founded in 1835 by Miloš Obrenović-prince of Serbia
In 1965 this theatre also initiated Meetings of professional Theatres Joakim Vujic of Serbia (in central Serbia) and they were held every year in May in one of ten different towns, until 2003. Since 2004, the Theatre became the regular host of JoakimFest and since October 2006, also of the JoakimInterFest, The International Small Scene Theatre Festival. JoakimInterFest they are members of two European organizations New European Theatre Action and World Theatre Network InterAct.
Being the institution of special significance to Serbian culture and art, the Theatre endeavours to develop other activities besides showing plays. Since 2005 the Theatre started grandiose publishing business with the JournalJoakim), founded the Gallery Joakim, ordered monographies of all the winners of the Statuette of Joakim Vujic, 2009 published the first edition book Premiere, started to research and publish drama heritage of Kragujevac. Plays are shown on Stage Joakim Vujic and Stage Ljuba Tadic, Teatroteka is also active, and from February 2007, will start to work the Stage Mija Aleksic. That is the reason why City of Kragujevac should bear the name of Teatropolis, which was proclaimed in 2005, on the 170th anniversary of foundation of the oldest theatre in renewed Serbia. Since 2010 Knjazevsko-srpski teatar is a member of the World Theater Network Interact.

The entrance of Theatre.
On February the 14th 2007, at the proposal of the Managing Board of the Theatre Joakim Vujic, Kragujevac City Assembly brought the decision by which the oldest Serbian theatre is being given back its original name, Knjaževsko-srpski teatar.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Serbian National Theatre

-located in Novi Sad, is one of the major theatres in Serbia. It was founded in 1861 during a conference of the Serbian National Theatre Society, composed of members of the Serbian Reading Room (Srpska čitaonica), held in Novi Sad. The first general manager of the Serbian National Theatre was Jovan Đorđević.
The entrance of Serbian National Theatre

After the war an important part of every performance becomes the scenery and costumes. Until the First World War we can't be talking about design and costumes in the true sense of the word. Performances were played in several typed decor, which were more decoration than the real scenery. In the interwar period, first appeared set designer - Milenko Serban, a painter, who will work in the early postwar years in theater. 

An important segment of this Theatre is publishing, in which they have issued many books on theater history, collections and many commemorative publications. List Theatre Run the Society for the SNP in 1871, the first issue was published on 26 December, and the last undated 1908. During 1880 and 1883 list was not published, and 1881/82. issued as the year season under the directorship of Antonio Hadzic. From 5 November 1909 to 31 January 1910, regulates list Jovan Grcic first as a theater then as New Theatre. At the beginning of the season 1968/69. list was re-launched and has since steadily rises.
In 2006. it became a member of the European Theatre Convention and a member of the Association of the Quartet, which also includes theaters from Hungary, the Czech Republic and France. In 2011.  Serbian National Theatre with funds of the Development Fund of Vojvodina thoroughly renovated. Serbian National Theatre has always been one of the most important cultural institutions in the country, and we should not forget that it initiated the establishment of other cultural institutions, such as Sterija Theatre in 1956, the Academy of Arts in 1970 and the Theatre Museum of Vojvodina in 1982.