Sunday, June 12, 2016

Theatre ''Bora Stankovic''

Theatre "Bora Stankovic" is a theater in Vranje. In the great fire on July 2 2012., the theater burned to the ground.
First play was played on January 30, 1896. It was Njegošev "The Mountain Wreath" directed  by Radoja Domanovića, former professor of Gymnasium in Vranje.
District National Theatre in Vranje was founded on 27 April 1946 and successfully worked until 31 January 1954. Followed by a period of successful operation of amateur theater, with permanent repertoire, and a large audience awards at festivals and Yugoslav republic. In addition to numerous awards and accolades Theatre received Vuk's Award and the Order of Merit with silver rays.
Photo of Bora Stankovic.
Theatre "Bora Stankovic" 5 September 1997 has become a professional and then joined the family of professional theaters in Serbia. His greatest success was experienced as he led the director and actor Radoslav Radivojević (1943 - 2009), during the period from 1972 to 2009. From a small provincial ensemble created a respectable professional theater with play "Krivov," according to the text of Radosav Stojanović, was the absolute winner of the Meetings of Professional Theatres of Serbia "Joakim Vujić". Radivojevic is an inevitable name in the cultural life of Vranje. In 1979. he launched the "Bora's theater days" (which continue to this day), and led them for 28 years. During this time, before an audience of Vranje shown over 400 performances, and participated in numerous theaters in our country and abroad. In addition, he also wrote a comprehensive history of the theater life - "Theatrical life of Vranje," in 1987.

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