Sunday, June 12, 2016

National Theatre - Leskovac

With short interruptions theater life in Leskovac has lasted for 124 years.
The first performance in Leskovac, was played by diletansko family "Civic Theatre Jug Bogdan" in 1896. Author of "The battle of Kosovo" is Matija Ban. This theater troupe formed in 1896 Radoje Domanović, professor of Gymnasium. Theatrical family ceased to operate in 1898 leaving Domanovića from Leskovac. From 1898 until 1926 in Leskovac occasional guest appearances by theater group from Belgrade, Nis, Skopje, Zajecar, Sabac. In Leskovec in 1926 established professional theater called "Leskovačko City Theatre". On 10th October 1926. shows the first performance of "Death of Mother Jugovic", played in the hall of the hotel "Paris". This theater was very quickly stopped with work, but already on 18th November 1934 in Leskovac-based "Academic Theatre", led by Bora Dimitrijevic, a 9 January 1935 shows the first performance of "ordinary man" by B. Nušića. 
"Academic Theatre" worked until February 1941 year. After the liberation of Leskovac 23rd October 1944 established drama group that later transformed into the National Theatre. From 3rd October 1970, the National Theatre does, only in Yugoslavia, as a theater without a cash register, so the idea of ​​realizing director Dusan Mihajlovic.
The entrance Of National Theatre - Leskovac.
In 2014 was ended renovation of theater building. Theatre has a capacity of 278 seats.

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